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Create a NeetoQuiz
Creating a quiz
Adding questions
Adding a welcome message
Previewing the quiz
Quiz settings
Adding themes
Modifying, deleting, and reordering questions
Draft and published state
What if I delete or modify questions that have already been submitted?
Quiz Settings
Controlling who can access a quiz
Adding a time limit
Adding a passing threshold or passing grade
Allowing candidates to re-take quiz
Adding quizzes to homepage
Allowing to 'continue attempt where you left off'
Randomly shuffling questions and options
Showing answers and explanations on submitting questions
Preventing copy-paste
Force full-screen mode
Enable camera monitoring
Monitor and prevent tab-switching
Serving a subset of questions
Viewing submissions
Results insights
Receiving email notifications when a new submission is made
Deleting submissions
Exporting submissions
Sharing a NeetoQuiz
Share a quiz
Quiz controls
Renaming a quiz
Archiving a quiz
Deleting a quiz
Unarchiving a quiz
Member settings
Add new team member
Editing details of a team member
Manage team member role
Manage team members
Webhook Events in NeetoQuiz
Managing webhook deliveries
Securing Webhook Requests
Custom domains
Custom domain
Cloudflare Subdomain setup
Namecheap Subdomain setup
Hostinger subdomain setup
DigitalOcean subdomain setup
GoDaddy subdomain setup
Squarespace subdomain setup
Wix subdomain setup
Porkbun subdomain setup
Network Solutions subdomain setup
AWS Route 53 subdomain setup
Cloudflare root domain setup
Namecheap root domain setup
Hostinger root domain setup
DigitalOcean root domain setup
GoDaddy root domain setup
Squarespace root domain setup
Wix root domain setup
Porkbun root domain setup
Network Solutions root domain setup
AWS Route 53 root domain setup
Edit team member details
Change workspace name
Change email address
Public API
API Keys
IP Restriction
Adding an individual IP to allowed IP range
Spam Prevention
Rate limits to prevent spam
Workspace settings
Changing favicon
Changing subdomain
Delete your account/workspace
Admin Panel
Audit logs
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Member settings
Add new team member
Editing details of a team member
Manage team member role
Manage team members